Thursday, January 22, 2015

How to save at Wal-Mart

**I do not receive any type of corporate anything,  so any opinions or endorsement on my blog are entirely mine. **
I cannot express my dislike of shopping at Wal-Mart.   It's almost always crowded and most employees seem disgruntled (I would be too at their pay for what they do). Anywho, living in a rural area in middle America means shopping there is pretty much inevitable.  Here are a few ways (along with shopping at ALDI and clever Amazon purchases) I managed to take my weekly household spending from $150 down to around $75.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Orange Peel and Vinegar Cleaner

So, about 2 weeks ago, I began soaking a mason jar full full of orange peels in white vinegar.
The result was pretty great. I'm not fully replacing my regular cleaner, but it does do well on floors and counters. I really like using it on counters when I know I will be placing food directly on them. It cleans and disinfects while being food safe. Highly recommended way to reuse citrus scraps!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Slutty/ Keep yo' Legs Shut Brownies

You will soon learn my baked goods all have interesting names (minus the swirl ones I previously posted, each flavor has a different name). The names come from a person, emotion, or ingredient, and ALWAYS have a story attached. Most of the time, you really don't want to know the story considering I'm an angry baker. These originally were named slutty brownies when I found them on 8,000 Pinterest pages, but leaving out the Oreo's and donning them "keep yo' legs shut" was all me!