Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Quick, Cheap, and Easy Laundry Soap/Degreaser - Great for Greasy, Stinky Work Clothes (also washing soda)

I am an extreme cheapskate. Really, I'm pretty bad since we live on one income now. I am not, however, a fan of the whole "homemade laundry soap" trend, despite how much money it has saved the Duggar family. Too much time, work, and no workforce to help me out. Besides, I like my store bought soap way too much to part with it. The problem is my husband works on heating and ventilation units. He is covered in a little bit of everything when he gets home and store bought soap just won't get the greasy mess out.

 After combing Pinterest and trying a million recipes, this one does the trick. The greatest part is it costs about $2.50 for 4 GALLONS or more!!!!! I honestly have no idea because I never make that much, I also don't really measure things, so all measurements on this are approximate. I also don't dilute it on here, because I use it to pre-treat, then throw the item in the wash. I do believe the amounts I'm listing make 1 gallon, but I would adjust according to your machine and double the dilution for HE or soft water machines.

What you need:
1 cup dish washing soap like Dawn
 ( I use the orange totally awesome brand at the dollar stores, super cheap and works!)
2 TBSP washing soda (recipe at the end of this post)
1/4 cup liquid fabric softer or a few drops of essential oils (optional)
water, up to 1 gallon, according to preference (also optional if you want a pre-treat gel)
A container with a lid

What to do :
1. Pour the ingredients into the bottle in the order listed above.
2. Put the lid on the container and shake the bejeepers out of it.
3.Let stand overnight, then use.

Now for the Washing Soda

Just cover a cookie sheet with aluminum foil and sprinkle on regular baking soda in a thin layer. Bake at 400 degrees for about an hour, just long enough for the texture to change. use right away or store in an airtight container.
That's it! washing soda and degreaser/soap with less than 5 minutes actual work.

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