Monday, February 16, 2015

SNOW DAY!!!!!!!

Adults tend to have a totally different outlook on snow days than they did in childhood.  If you work outside of the home, this means fighting people who can't drive in already hazardous conditions. Conditions where you are already short tempered because you spent 45 minutes, freezing your * ** off, trying to get your car operational ... or clearing a path to wherever.... or both. Then when you get there, half the staff has called out because they obviously can afford it, or have a less critical job, or both. I could endlessly rant about first-world cold weather problems.

   One huge perk of staying at home (hate this term, by the way)  is not having to brave the elements unless I feel like it. I can honesty say" I LOVE SNOW DAYS!!!" again. It's like being a kid again in some ways, but better. We bundle up and play in the snow, drink cocoa, go out again, warm up, repeat. Plus there is the endless number of soups to warm up with. My poor hubby works in the elements when he installs climate control systems in buildings being built, so he often comes home chilled to the bone. Nothing like everyone warming up together and filling our bellies with hot potato soup and hot rolls or chili in a bread bowl.

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